It All Begins with RAW - Understanding the RAW Process and its Hidden Super Powers

Buckle up, get some caffeine, and let's learn about RAW!

As promised, below I'm adding a human-readable version of the Adobe Standard profile made specifically for the Fuji X-T2 camera. If you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole, I suggest you check out:

  • DCPTool - This used to just be a command line tool, but it was recently released for Mac on the Apple Store. The guy who makes this runs a blog called Chromasoft, which is also worth checking out if you want to get really into the technical details on .dcp files.
  • The Adobe DNG Specification - this is another resource worth checking out if you want to read the official explanation of all the tags you'll see in the file below. When I was just learning about this, I referred to this spec often.

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